Title: The Pregnancy Project
Author: Gaby Rodriguez, Jenna Glatzer
Synopsis:Growing up, Gaby Rodriguez was often told she would end up a teen mom. After all, her mother and her older sisters had gotten pregnant as teenagers; from an outsider’s perspective, it was practically a family tradition. Gaby had ambitions that didn’t include teen motherhood. But she wondered: how would she be treated if she “lived down” to others' expectations? Would everyone ignore the years she put into being a good student and see her as just another pregnant teen statistic with no future? These questions sparked Gaby’s school project: faking her own pregnancy as a high school senior to see how her family, friends, and community would react. What she learned changed her life forever, and made international headlines in the process.
In The Pregnancy Project, Gaby details how she was able to fake her own pregnancy—hiding the truth from even her siblings and boyfriend’s parents—and reveals all that she learned from the experience. But more than that, Gaby’s story is about fighting stereotypes, and how one girl found the strength to come out from the shadow of low expectations to forge a bright future for herself.
This is unlike anything I have ever read before. The power in this project is both heart-felt and psychologically stirring. I am not a teen mom, but I have friends who are, though not as young. When I was in school in 2007, I had seen my share of pregnant teens and have indeed thought, They are ruining their lives! It never went beyond simple thought, as I had been bullied and knew the unpleasantness of it. That didn’t stop the thought, and, even now, will let the phrase drift through my mind when I hear of so-and-so being pregnant (even though we are all adults now).
Perhaps I am too selfish for children right now, perhaps I just would make a terrible mother- either way, this book made me look from the side of the fence I have never been on. And Gaby wasn’t even truly pregnant with the symptoms. She even says it in the book- she could go home, take the belly off, eat whatever she wanted, suffered neither heartburn or morning sickness, etc.. It was terrible to hear about all the things she went through while only pretending to be pregnant.
My heart increasingly grew for her project the more she suffered. I wanted her to succeed. I needed her to prove her point and show the world. But more than anything- I needed her to fight for the under dog, beat the statistic, be the champion of her own life. I read the book and felt moved and touched and lifted and depressed all at the same time.
Author: Gaby Rodriguez, Jenna Glatzer
Synopsis:Growing up, Gaby Rodriguez was often told she would end up a teen mom. After all, her mother and her older sisters had gotten pregnant as teenagers; from an outsider’s perspective, it was practically a family tradition. Gaby had ambitions that didn’t include teen motherhood. But she wondered: how would she be treated if she “lived down” to others' expectations? Would everyone ignore the years she put into being a good student and see her as just another pregnant teen statistic with no future? These questions sparked Gaby’s school project: faking her own pregnancy as a high school senior to see how her family, friends, and community would react. What she learned changed her life forever, and made international headlines in the process.
In The Pregnancy Project, Gaby details how she was able to fake her own pregnancy—hiding the truth from even her siblings and boyfriend’s parents—and reveals all that she learned from the experience. But more than that, Gaby’s story is about fighting stereotypes, and how one girl found the strength to come out from the shadow of low expectations to forge a bright future for herself.
This is unlike anything I have ever read before. The power in this project is both heart-felt and psychologically stirring. I am not a teen mom, but I have friends who are, though not as young. When I was in school in 2007, I had seen my share of pregnant teens and have indeed thought, They are ruining their lives! It never went beyond simple thought, as I had been bullied and knew the unpleasantness of it. That didn’t stop the thought, and, even now, will let the phrase drift through my mind when I hear of so-and-so being pregnant (even though we are all adults now).
Perhaps I am too selfish for children right now, perhaps I just would make a terrible mother- either way, this book made me look from the side of the fence I have never been on. And Gaby wasn’t even truly pregnant with the symptoms. She even says it in the book- she could go home, take the belly off, eat whatever she wanted, suffered neither heartburn or morning sickness, etc.. It was terrible to hear about all the things she went through while only pretending to be pregnant.
My heart increasingly grew for her project the more she suffered. I wanted her to succeed. I needed her to prove her point and show the world. But more than anything- I needed her to fight for the under dog, beat the statistic, be the champion of her own life. I read the book and felt moved and touched and lifted and depressed all at the same time.
I am glad I read this on PulseIt and did not actually buy it myself. It isn't really a book I would read again. Perhaps because it is a memoir. Whatever the case is I enjoyed the read but probably won't add it to my personal library of books to reread.
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