Of course it isn't easy to find someone to do the dishes since it is only three of us living here. Before anyone tells me to do them let me state that I most often do. But I do live with two other people, and I get these weird ideas that this should be shared and not all on my shoulders. It isn't even like they need hand washed- we have a dishwasher! And yet the dishes will sit in the sink day after day until they start to stink which is normally when I give in and do them anyway. Again.
And by then I have already screwed myself over because I always forget my roomies suck a properly rising dishes off so they have dried caked on sauce and milk glasses that weren't rinsed out. Or ice cream bowls that sat around upstairs for only-God-knows-how-many night before Pattie gets sick of seeing all of it and brings it down to the sink.
How about "Do these damn dishes you ungrateful brat!" |
I guess what really gets under my skin is when Rob goes all holier-than-thou and claims he always rinses his dishes off and sticks them right in the dishwasher. Seriously, no you fucking do not! And once or twice does not count as 'always' either! And I know you don't because not even a half an hour ago I reminded you to take your ice cream bowl downstairs and you just went right back to reading the internets.
How the sink starts out. |
Then the sink is full. |
Then the nasty dishes are spilling out from the sink onto the count and omg what is that smell!? |
What kills me is how they will sit there for so long that they will actually start having a 'spoiled food' smell to them! Do my roommates ever go into the kitchen?! Because if they do I want to know how they cannot smell that ripe-ass rotten-shit smell. I have even stood next to Pattie and asked her if she smelled it, to which she replied no, and then called her a liar because you couldn't not smell it.
It smells like something with rabies/mange crawled into our sink to die, died, and has been there since last month! Which I know to be false since I was the last one to do the dishes. Now I am wondering if it is the water that we drink but I am sure it isn't because I only smell the smell when there is a sink full of dirty dishes. But now I am going to drive myself crazy thinking about the water... Doesn't matter, my medications will need upped if this fiasco continues much longer...
I wish I was joking. I am crazy now. I will even accept someone just unloading the dishwasher for me, putting all the dishes away properly, and letting me know so the next load can be done. But I don't think Rob knows where all the dishes go because he will sometimes leave a couple out on the counter and then it's the guessing game where I sniff and rub my fingers on it trying to see if it is clean or dirty.
It's like pulling teeth trying to get someone to do the dishes. And there are times when I ask, and Rob actually agrees to do them, and then after two days of asking I just do them myself. I can't throw a huge fit though because there are time that I know I need to get the dishes done and I push it off because honestly, who wants to do dishes anyway?
That's what babies are for! |
If that's the case then I need to get me one of these! (Just kidding!)
....though I am getting desperate....
-This post is brought to you by
the plastic spoon I had to eat my cereal with this morning
because we were out of real spoons.-